Not sure if I'm a unique case, but I'm having an issue where if I map a
volume to use for config, I get an error about the cache.db and nothing
gets scanned.  If I DON'T map it, works fine.  This is with DOliana's

Kind of odd - I'm not having this issue with any other container's I'm
using from a permission perspective - I am doing a PUID/PGID of

The only thing that COULD be an issue is the timezone.  The format used
by the container (/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro and
/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro) could be doing something wonky because
I'm doing a Linux container on Windows 2019 - but all of my containers
are and there fine.  

Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated - not sure how to do the
localtime/timezone mapping given my setup (and I'm VERY new to docker.)

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