Nice work! I just tested this morning, plug and play ready :-)
I have a couple of questions. 
My setup is a pi3B, wifi, picoreplayer, jivelite, official pi 7" display
and allo boss DAC 1.2
Generic 1.3" OLED I2C and I plugged them on sda/SCL/vcc/gnd GPIO hat
from the DAC.
I use this simple command line :
sudo /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/lmsmonitor --name groseille -v -m vu

Now, it seems a bit erratic, sometimes it will display the same as on
the screen (title track, time left...) and for unknown reasons it will
switch to VU meter with quite poor FPS, then back to track name... Maybe
there are some conflicts with shared memory access?
Is the lmsmonitor supposed to work without jivelite on? 
Should I use a pi4 for a better framerate?


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