Hi Greg,

Thanks for the clear answer and the background info.

My heart is not attached to RasPi Check - it just would have been a nice
addon to integrate my PiCorePlayers in an existing system. And since
vcgencmd is available via additional package, I assumed it is only a
small step - this also because I can query values via RasPi Check custom
commands - just elevating vcgemcmd.

Well... finally I understood I was wrong, the story ends here and I'll
remain a happy pCP user. You guys did/doing a great job!

Good night and best wishes

Btw, special thanks from my son - He got in the early 2016 with 8 years
his first own Squeezebox - Raspi 2b/ piCorePlayer 2.0.0 based - today
it's still same HW with piCorePlayer 7.0.1 - and... his heart is as well
as mine attached to this :)

version: 8.2.0 - 1616690655 @ thu mar 25 18:15:21 cet 2021
on rpi4/ raspbian buster 10 pointed (nfs) to musiclibrary on qnap ts212

duet - cntrl-fw: 8.0.1-r16844/ receiver-fw: 77
2x radio - fw: 8.0.1-r16844
rpi 2b - pcp 7.0.1/ squeezelite  v1.9.9-1372-pcp
transporter - fw: 87
softsqueeze 3.9.2 on win 10 / squeezeplay 8.0.1r1343 on win 10
squeeze player 1.3.21 on s7/android 8.0.0 

android phone - squeezer 2.2.4/ material skin 2.3.5
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