I had a bit of a chat about this and basically you are correct. There will be 
efficiencies to be made where possible but little disruption to the self 
governance of projects. So this won't be a barrier to any move to Git.


On 12/09/2011, at 12:48 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

> I'll be interested to hear what you hear about the Jasig/Sakai stuff. The 
> talks we've had on the steering committee assumes that there will be work to 
> merge infrastructure but that project governance will remain with the project 
> steering committees, for example CAS3, mod_auth_cas, and phpCAS-Client have 
> all moved or are in the process of moving to GitHub.
> I'll look more into maintaining a read-only SVN clone of uPortal, potentially 
> in its existing location (this is complicated by the complicated nature of 
> the uPortal history). I'm guessing we could have a bamboo job that would run 
> git-svn post git commit to keep things in sync.
> -Eric
> On 9/11/11 6:00 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> A could of responses inline:
>> On 12/09/2011, at 1:01 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
>>> Since the concerns need some actual discussion I'll see if I can answer 
>>> them here, my answers are in bold
>>> Developer Familiarity & Conversion Lag
>>> Primary concern with speed for applying critical fixes for a 4.0.1 release
>>> I have done a test release using the maven release plugin against github 
>>> and the developer workflow does not change for cutting releases
>>> There are ~ 6 very active committers on the project, I'll be sure to touch 
>>> base with each of them and get their vote before we make any move
>>> svn:externals
>>> Used by some deployers as an alternative to a vendor drop import
>>> I'd like to get more insight on this approach versus doing a vendor drop
>>> One option is for Jasig to maintain a read-only SVN clone of the git 
>>> repository if there is enough interest from those using svn:externals
>> A subversion clone of the git repo would be handy, at least initially. It 
>> would actually tie in with 3 below, assuming the history is kept intact.
>>> Local deployments using Subversion (if Subversion is their institutional 
>>> repository)
>>> Process to merge fixes into local repository directly from the uPortal 
>>> repository?
>>> Are there examples of a patch merging process that is specific to uPortal 
>>> using Subversion?
>> Not specific to uPortal, but specific to Subversion. For example, we use the 
>> vendor drop method for major releases, however from time to time we want to 
>> pull in a patch that has been added to the branch. So we can simply grab 
>> that fix from the uPortal repository via an svn merge:
>> svn merge --dry-run -c12345 
>> https://source.jasig.org/uPortal/branches/rel-3-2-patches/
>> We could generate a patch, but it saves a bit of extra work. Having the 
>> subversion repo clone as in 2 above would allow this practice to continue. 
>> At some stage we may be able to move to a git repo, but not soon.
>>> Sakai-Jasig merger 
>>> How will this relate to the merger and any broader SCM/Release management 
>>> strategy? (http://groups.google.com/group/jasig-sakai-collaboration)
>>> As far as I know projects under a merged Jasig/Sakai Collaboration will 
>>> still be responsible for setting their own SCM and release management 
>>> strategies just as it is now under Jasig
>> I'll be speaking with Ian Dolphin and Josh Baron this week, as they are in 
>> Australia for AuSakai 11. I'll try and get some clarity around this issue. 
>> From what I read in the Jasig-Sakai Common Foundation Value Proposition 
>> Document [1]: 
>> "Opportunities exist for bringing new and consolidated resources to bear on 
>> issues such as Quality Assurance..." - I'm presuming that will have some 
>> impact on release management.
>> Further, "Consolidating our Technology Infrastructure - We expect to see 
>> cost savings from moving towards a common suite of centrally hosted 
>> communication and coordination tools (e.g. issue tracking, wiki etc.)." - 
>> It's unclear as whether or not that includes SCM. I'll try and find out this 
>> week.
>> cheers,
>> Steve
>> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/jasig-sakai-collaboration/browse_thread/thread/29d561b06ae96966
>>> I'll continue to copy over content into the migration proposal wiki page.
>>> -Eric
>>> On 9/10/11 8:55 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
>>>> I've moved the proposal into the wiki: 
>>>> https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/Git+Migration+Proposal
>>>> I tried to capture all of the concerns that have been raised in this 
>>>> thread though they could use more flushing out, especially the 
>>>> svn:externals issue.
>>>> The wiki page also links to a test migration of the uPortal project to 
>>>> GitHub that I did this weekend: 
>>>> https://github.com/edalquist/uPortal-GitTest                 Please take a 
>>>> look around and let me know if you'd like commit access.
>>>> Lastly one thing that the move to GitHub fixes is Fisheye. We were able to 
>>>> turn fisheye back on pointing to the Jasig SVN repository by having it 
>>>> ignore the entire uPortal source history. That's great for other projects 
>>>> but for uPortal it was a problem. We were also able to get Fisheye working 
>>>> against the uPortal-GitTest project: 
>>>> https://developer.jasig.org/source/browse/~br=master/uPortal-GitTest
>>>> -Eric
>>>> On 8/31/11 2:26 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to see uPortal's source code moved to git and hosted on GitHub. 
>>>>> There have been quite a few folks that have been working on uPortal 4, 
>>>>> uMobile or are otherwise interested that have asked about using git. 
>>>>> After looking into it a bit more I think it would be a very valuable 
>>>>> change for uPortal.
>>>>> For those not familiar Git is a distributed source control tool. What 
>>>>> that means is there is no true central repository like there is with SVN. 
>>>>> Developers don't really checkout some version of the code, they clone the 
>>>>> entire project when doing work. That doesn't prevent the convention of a 
>>>>> central repository which is what a site like GitHub provides. A place to 
>>>>> host a clone of the project that by convention we agree is the master 
>>>>> copy of the project.
>>>>> GitHub adds some very nice social-coding aspects to git. Primarily it 
>>>>> provides a VERY easy interface that allows anyone to clone a project, 
>>>>> make changes and commit them to their clone, then make a pull request on 
>>>>> the master project. Once that has happened a simple click of a button is 
>>>>> all it takes for any developer with commit access on the master to accept 
>>>>> the changes and merge them in. This process makes it very easy for people 
>>>>> without direct commit access to commit changes that are reviewed by a 
>>>>> core developer before merging in and significantly simplifies the work of 
>>>>> the core developers.
>>>>> When there was first talk among about switching I solicited feedback from 
>>>>> the Fluid project which recently moved from SVN to Git. I highly 
>>>>> recommend reading the resulting thread which highlights a lot of the pros 
>>>>> and cons http://old.nabble.com/Perspectives-on-Git-td31852449.html
>>>>> There is an eclipse Git Plugin, a TortiseGit client which is a clone of 
>>>>> TortiseSVN and I believe most other IDEs have either built in or plugin 
>>>>> support for git.
>>>>> Some other useful links:
>>>>> Git for those without Version Control background - 
>>>>> http://hoth.entp.com/output/git_for_designers.html
>>>>> GitHub's wonderful help documentation - http://help.github.com/
>>>>> TortiseGit - http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/
>>>>> Some questions that I can try and answer before they come up:
>>>>> - The uPortal code in svn at source.jasig.org would likely be left in 
>>>>> place, we would just make the entire /uPortal directory read-only
>>>>> - We're going to filter out the documentation and website files that were 
>>>>> included in early versions of uPortal 2 to reduce the project repository 
>>>>> size.
>>>>> Since this is a big change (and since I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks 
>>>>> starting Friday) I'm planning on leaving this vote open for a while. +1, 
>>>>> 0, -1 to vote and if you vote -1 you need to include a detailed reasoning 
>>>>> for your -1 vote.
>>>>> -Eric
>> -- 
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