That's a great answer!

It sounds like it was done originally in a sound, future-proof way.


On 01/24/2014 10:06 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:
So CONFIG is baked into various framework bits so that the portal knows
how to make the portlet APIs behave when in this mode. As a protection I
believe there is a permission check associated with the ability to
render a portlet in CONFIG.

Give it a try, make CMS render a CONFIG portlet url, click on it and see
what happens :)

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 9:00 AM, James Wennmacher
< <>> wrote:

    More broadly, is this a case of delegated admin (e.g. for
    tenant-based delegated admin use case) that should be accessible for
    these tenant-contained sets of portlets?

    Do the delegated admins need to do only the rich config, full
    portlet configuration (add/remove porlets), or limited portlet admin
    (some but not all the properties configured by the Portlet Manager)?

    James Wennmacher - Unicon
    480.558.2420 <tel:480.558.2420>

    On 01/24/2014 09:50 AM, Drew Wills wrote:

        Thanks for chiming in.

        On 01/24/2014 09:44 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

            Normal users can never use CONFIG. It is only usable by
            portal admins
            and requires specific permissions to even work for a user.
            Beyond that,
            a portlet might be able to just set CONFIG as the mode on a
            URL. I never
            actually tried that.

        Within the Portlet Manager, I know that the things that get
        entered/created in CONFIG mode can become a part of the
        portlet-definition record -- e.g. text entered in the WYSIWYG
        editor for SimpleCMS.

        That integration would still need to work.  This example is
        actually one of the more compelling imho -- allow privilaged
        users to edit the content of a SimpleCMS portlet "in situ"
        (without going through the Portlet Manager).


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