The Favorites feature branch is now rebased to merge cleanly on latest master.

The noty notifications now play nicely with uPortal's header, incidentally.

On 4/10/14, 1:54 PM, Andrew Petro wrote:
Heh. The Marketplace branch merge to master caused this to need a rebase. Looking into it. Anyway the pull request should already be helpful for documenting the proposed changeset.


On 4/10/14, 1:20 PM, Andrew Petro wrote:
And now the very exciting Pull Request:


On 4/7/14, 11:00 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:
uPortal developers,

We are cruising towards, but are not quite yet at, a Pull Request proposing merge of the Favorites feature branch into Jasig uPortal master towards uPortal 4.1. :)

Here's the freshly rebased feature branch:

And the handy compare view:

And the wiki page updated to document:

AP> it might end up being preferable to invent an @type="favorited_collection" or somesuch and differentiate the concept of favorited collections from traditional layout tabs, to enable having both working alongside one another.

Favorites evolved to using special layout folder types to model individually favorited portlets and to model favorited collections.

Known issues:

0. Introduces noty notifications, as does Marketplace, so when Marketplace merges to master, will get to rebase this again! Other changes probably overlap with Marketplace meaning these branches will need to be merged together onto master with some care, probably with rebasing of whichever is second (likely, Favorites). 1. Introduces noty notifications, which seems to have an issue playing nice with uPortal's header regions. I think Marketplace has this same issue, so will probably only have to resolve that once.

2. I'd love to see resolved so that Favorites edit mode works when Favorites is maximized under respondr. That won't block proposing the merge, but favorites is intended to be usable maximized. :)

Kind regards,


On 1/22/14, 9:24 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

Glad Favorites may line up with Manchester needs as well.

AC> there will be a concept of pushed favorites? i.e. the set one gets at first login, based on group?

Yes. The technology certainly supports this, what with "favorited collections" being just another view on "regular" folders, and "favorites" being portlets in folders of type "favorites". So, you can already provide different or multiple DLM managed fragments with folders of type "favorites" and their merged contents will be considered the user's favorited portlets and likewise whatever tabs DLM pushes to them show up as their favorite collections.

Defaulting favorites came up tangentially in a design-flavored meeting recently here, so I think it will end up being a real requirement here at Wisconsin (something we actually use rather than just something that the technology supports).

There's some technical issues to work out. If a user has multiple folders of type "favorites" in their layout, which one does a newly favorited portlet get added to? I imagine that also complexifies re-ordering of favorites, which is not yet developed.

AC> It might be nice if you could also favorite any web content.

Might. It's something that's been discussed around here but I don't think we have concrete plans around that yet. Offhand it would complexify using the layout as the store of favorites. It might be sufficient to provide some user experience sugar around favoriting a portlet that has the behavior of redirecting to the the desired web content on render as launched from the Favorites portlet. This ties in somewhat with ideas for giving users a way to get at their portlet settings (edit mode of subscribed portlets) *other* than through chrome on and links in those actual portlets, i.e., rolling up (links to?) edit modes in some kind of centralized menu. Cf. what iOS does for some kinds of settings. This mockup, a bit:

So. Favoriting things other than portlets and tabs aka collections: not there yet but might come.

AC> I like the idea of a hybrid UI where we keep our existing tabs but push the favorites portlets to the home tab.

Yeah. The direction we seem to be going locally is to *not* show tabs, though maybe tabs come back when we all realize that mobile-first doesn't mean desktop-never. :)

I do think it will need to be true that Favorites is implementable with or without traditional tabs, and maybe that will drive having to do something other than just treat "regular" folders as favorited collections. While currently the portlet treats @type="regular" tabs as "favorited collections", it might end up being preferable to invent an @type="favorited_collection" or somesuch and differentiate the concept of favorited collections from traditional layout tabs, to enable having both working alongside one another.

I'm also not completely thrilled with the current implementation being wedded to the tab->column->portlet folder hierarchy rather than being able to cope with other kinds of layout hierarchies, but I figure that's a problem to solve when it becomes an actual problem for someone.

AC> A home tab with favorites plus notifications/calendar/news in my mind would allow us to keep some "portal like" features.

Yes. That's precisely the current rough design for re-designed My-UW. The landing page, while not styled as a tab, is just such a tab, providing several dashboard-y portlets in a dashboard kind of experience.

AC> Also we could migrate uses BookmarksPortlet content.

Eh. Offhand I see Bookmarks as something different. Bookmarks embraces tree-ness, at least my own bookmarks do. Favorites is less hierarchical. But I'm open to being wrong about that. :)

AC> Finally my thoughts in this area lead me to think about a custom window state like the windows 8 tile.

That's very interesting. To what extent can we make hay with treating the plain old NORMAL window state as that tile? Favorites creates a pretty natural opportunity to differentiate, in that if launching a portlet from favorites launches it as MAXIMIZED, then the portlet can use MAXIMIZED window state for that I-gots-the-whole-window experience (yet implement responsive markup so that that maximized experience is good across actual window sizes), and can embrace a more reserved rendering in NORMAL window state.

All that said, I think maybe part of the message of Responsive is that UIs that respond to their window (or portlet container!) sizes are the evolution beyond the blunt instrument of telling a portlet how big it is with its window state. We may not need NORMAL, MAXIMIZED, and TILE window states (or, at least, can use the very same view implementations to handle all those) if the portlet UI automagically arranges and styles itself for the container size it finds itself rendered in. It seems like there would be a lot more to be gained from pursuing such a "it just works" approach rather than in creating a new window state and then cajoling portlets into implementing it? :)

Kind regards,


On 1/16/14, 4:51 PM, Anthony Colebourne wrote:

This feature it exciting and timely for us. Great work.

I'm I right in thinking that there will be a concept of pushed favorites? i.e. the set one gets at first login, based on group?

It might be nice if you could also favorite any web content. We might push common external links such as our LMS and Email (OWA). Also we could migrate uses BookmarksPortlet content.

I like the idea of a hybrid UI where we keep our existing tabs but push the favorites portlets to the home tab. I think for this to work well the portlet lookup approaches (gallery vs edit favorites) would need to be merged.

Although I think the one-portlet-at-a-time-maximized-centric view is prevailing (due I think to the mobile first approach that really de-clutters the old dashboard world).

It pains me to move away from what was, the primary reason for adopting portlet technology in the first place. Having said this, the case for "uPlatform" is still very strong.

A home tab with favorites plus notifications/calendar/news in my mind would allow us to keep some "portal like" features. Also if the favorites portlet was "badge number" aware or broadcast some useful portlet event for future extension/innovation then we really begin to leverage the portlet paradigm.

Finally my thoughts in this area lead me to think about a custom window state like the windows 8 tile. So this would be like a favorites portlet on steroids can actually render favorite-ed portlets in a well-defined "small and simple" UI container.

-- Anthony.

On 16/01/14 03:13, Andrew Petro wrote:
Hi All,

Favorites development is coming along.

There's now a wiki page for documenting:

There's a feature branch for the favorites portlet:

and a feature branch off of that feature branch for the un-favoriting

That un-favoriting bit is feeling ready for merge into the favorites
feature branch (with some technical debt noted), so it's now an
eminently reviewable and feed-back-able pull request:

Kind regards,


On 12/13/13, 2:50 PM, Tim Levett wrote:
Hi All,

At UW-Madison we have started creating a favourite framework portlet. It is a different way to view tabs. I've attached some screen shots of the initial landing page. We do plan on putting this into the master
jasig branch soon.


Tim Levett

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