On 15/01/2021 14:46, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:
for a new project which should include socket communication  i have to prototype a short 
"demo" and i was already wondering if i need to have running 2 instances of the 
LC IDE for development.

But now you wrote that you had one server and even multiple client stacks 
opened in LC.
So do i understand it correctly that both, server and client stack, can 
communicate with each other using sockets in one instance of the LC IDE?

Yes. A couple of cautions ...

 - make sure your handlers are carefully named
    I had a bad habit of using the same name (_gotpacket) each time I wrote a socket-handling stack,
so I had 'open socket ... with message "_gotpacket" '
and then I used the same name when I wrote the server !!

 - beware "resetall". In the server stack, I do something like

    -- would usually do
      --    resetAll
      -- but this causes problems with testing when you have both a client
      -- and a server within the IDE of Rev
      -- so here we will only reset those opensockets which have no 'host' part
      -- intending this to be the ones which we have a current 'accept'
      repeat for each line tSock in the openSockets
         if ":" is not in tSock then close socket tSock
      end repeat

and in the client stacks I do the inverse (if ":" is in tSock ...). Note this is still a problem when you have multiple client stacks in the same IDE.


 - when in doubt during testing - first reset the server, then the client.

Good luck,


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