
since LC 6.7.6 or 6.7.7 you can enable Hi-DPI scaling in the standalone
builder settings for windows.

I don't have a Hi-DPI monitor and didn't found anything in the forum about
it, so I am unsure what happens with my stack if I would enable this
setting? What exactly happens when it says "if enabled, the stack will be
scaled to fit"? A Hi-Res monitor has a higher pixel density, but my program
windows and objects have fixed sizes in pixel. My understanding is, if I
don't enable this setting, my stacks will be displayed smaller on a Hi-DPI
monitor? Correct? And enabling this setting, are they scaled to the "same
appearance", as on a standard monitor? Or what happens? If yes, probably
images get blurred, when being scaled, so you shouldn't enable this option
when you use images, correct?

Why is the Hi-DPI support for Windows a chooseable option and for OS X it is
standard since 6.7.6 (6.7.7)? Do images don't get blurred, when the stack is
resized on OS X? Why can't I disable this option on OS X?

How do you handle this option? Do you always enable it?

Thanks for your experiences






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