I think the lack of interest in supporting the hobby programmers will hurt
the company in the not too distant future. As a hobby user myself I have
paid for a license for a long long time. I have a founder account on
on-rev. I paid for several academies. I supported the kickstarter. Not to
long ago we moved to Indy. This changed is to a license that is no longer
ours to keep. The license is only ours as long as we keep paying. That was
already a massive step backwards if you ask me. Not so long ago there was
already a price rise which you could avoid if you paid a yearly amount up
front. Now the price of Indy will double to 999. Again you can avoid it if
you pay 499 up front. I'm sorry but I don't have that amount of money
laying aside for my hobby. I can afford small monthly fees, but not 499 in
one go. This means I'll have to revert to whatever the last version was
that we had a license for that you can keep. The community version is nice
and all, but you entirely miss the point that you have hobby people that
are willing to pay for a license, and donations that don't give us anything
are not an option either. Therefore the company misses out on the money
that hobby programmers used to pay. I can't afford 999/year, so I think
I'll be out if a solution is not available.

PS: according to the GPL if the code is for your use only I don't think you
need to publish any source code at all. It's only when your program is
released externally that you need to release the source.

Kind regards,
Dirk Cleenwerck.
On Feb 26, 2016 17:28, "Richard Gaskin" <ambassa...@fourthworld.com> wrote:

> Robert Mann wrote:
> >>> a revamped audio implementation that simply allows to use COMPRESSED
> >>> audio within stacks, and not be obliged to develop external
> >>> solutions (which I did, but is then trick y to use for products
> >>> because of the more complex installation and external libraries to
> >>> be installed, that some users do not like at all).
> >
> > So, Although I did support as a hobbyist live code for a long time
> > and spent quite a few euros to support, I will personally NOT spend
> > one more euro until that is actually DONE.
> >
> > (i understand it is somewhat done "obliged" in the iOs context, has
> > it been added meanwhile into macOS?? That would be bad news for my
> > purse..!!)
> OS X has gotten far more attention for media playback than any other
> platform, now using Apple's latest AV APIs.
> What do you want to do that's been difficult in v7 or v8?
> > And should you need more people to contribute financially, perhaps
> > you could review the new paradigm of yearly licensing and also give
> > a standard "old" ways of just holding to a version. i will just hold
> > on to my version 7.5 for my hobbits usage. And I would be as a
> > hobbyist willing to spend a few bucks every 3 years or so... but with
> > the yearly licensing scheme, it's just too expensive for just a
> > hobist and there is no security to be able to play on with new
> > acquired features.
> Good news: unless you have a commercial interest that requires a
> proprietary license, you can use the GPL-governed Community Edition. The
> GPL does require that your stack source be available, but unless you're
> running a commercial venture that's usually not prohibitive, and many
> prefer to share their source so the software can be enhanced by others.
> The benefits for your situation are two-fold:
> 1. LiveCode requires no payment for the Community Edition, so you can
> enjoy the latest version at no cost.
> 2. If you want to make a financial contribution to the project you can
> choose any amount on the Donation page:
> <https://livecode.com/store/donate/>
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Systems
>  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com
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