On 01/03/2016 22:17, Peter TB Brett wrote:
On 25/02/2016 06:28, Terry Judd wrote:
Apologies for hijacking this thread somewhat but Peter could you possibly
comment on the likelihood of clipboard support being added to HTML5 in
near (or middle) future. I understand there are potential security
concerns around use of the clipboard but it would be good to hear your
thoughts on how these might be accommodated (or not).

It basically depends on two things:

1) A suitable JavaScript API being available in browsers
(http://caniuse.com/#feat=clipboard).  Since I first started looking at
HTML5 support, this aspect has actually come on leaps and bounds.  Using
the appropriate HTML5 JavaScript API, correctly, should

Note in particular, from the website I've linked above, that many browsers won't provide "paste" at all, or won't provide it without a focussed, editable HTML form text field. These are a the security considerations I mentioned previously.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

LiveCode 2016 Conference https://livecode.com/edinburgh-2016/

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