I'm wondering what they use at RunRev HQ.



mfstuart wrote:
Hi Ben,
Nice concept, if someone could build that in RunRev, a Team Development
system, quite possible if you know the structure of all the objects. The
SmartProperties plug-in that already exists, shows how the same object in
the original rev file could be compared to the just updated rev file.

Ben wrote:
A possible better solution would be to create (in Rev, of course) a tool for
checking into SVN; which if you dragged a stack on to it, would generate not
single XML file but a folder with many files and perhaps folders.  For some
setups you might want the tool to check everything into SVN; I think I'd
rather use this tool, then use Eclipse to do the check-in, so that it would
look at all the differences and allow me to deal with them individually. That
way you could view the stack as a project, and see each script, card,
etc (er... tbd) as individual files, so that there could be individual
comments and change histories.
Mark Stuart
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