Le 1 mars 08 à 02:11, Mark Wieder a écrit :


It should be said that (almost?) every object in rev can be created by script. As an exercise I've written scripts that go through all objects in a stack and make up a list of statements that can later be executed and recreate everything, including custom properties and scripts. It gets a little crazy with groups inside groups, but it can be done. Base64 is
one's friend in this instance.

Would these scripts (all text) work in a code versioning environment?

Almost. I can deconstruct and reconstruct objects and entire stacks, but ids are the Achilles heel here. For some reason object ids are set in stone at creation time. This works out ok in most cases, but if you have code that references objects by id then the recreation approach won't work because the rebuilt objects will almost certainly have different ids from the original

Well, if you're able to *not* set 'hard' values of any ids in your code,
then the serialization ( dump ) of a stack is not a problem, no ?
and then, you can use any CVS/SVN/BZR tool to manage your versions
in a very subtle way.

I've done that for an old project, but didn't serialize ( export ) all
properties, only a few.... but it did work !


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