Le 9 févr. 04, à 01:50, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Dar Scott wrote:

Where we possibly agree is that Transcript need not allow the user to
have memory leaks or to worry about pointer errors or to worry about
garbage collection of freeing things...0

...and the several million person-hours lost each year to bugs related to
the difference between "=" and "==". ;)

Right said ! Transcript is, as a the most usefull "VHLL syntax" ever seen, dedicated to help the designer's to win time... Only the low developers don't care about this kind of core features of the langage... See Java: the time token to declare const, vars and types (without errors) is a technical task only...

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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