On 9/2/04 2:22 am, Ken Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I thought Kevin dealt well with that one the other day. If
>> anyone has a 
>> perception that Rev is a Mac tool, there's not much that can
>> be done to 
>> help them. The MacWorld (UK?) reviewer who said that obviously had
>> spent little or no time writing the review. Nothing at RunRev's Web
>> site, in their marketing or, anywhere else that I've seen
>> conveys that 
>> message.
> Sorry, Dan, I respectfully disagree. Rev has had ads or been written
> about in several Mac magazines (MacWorld UK, MacAddict, MacTech), but I
> have yet to see an ad or write-up in a PC magazine (and I subscribe to a
> bunch). I don't know about UNIX mags, but perhaps someone else can
> comment on this. Do a web search for "Runtime Revolution" and see just
> how many "hits" you get for sites that advertise or promote PC
> development tools or news on the PC front.

Actually, we've had lots of reviews in the PC press.  The balance of the
installed base is shifting.  Without in any way losing our great Mac
support, we're working hard on our presence on other platforms.

Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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