Find all of the words "Runtime Revolution" and Without the words "Windows, Macintosh" and found 20,600 matches.

Find all of the words "Runtime Revolution" found 27,100 matches.

So, I figure 1,800 sites mention Macintosh and 6,400 mention Windows!!!!!

I don't know but that sounds kinda Windows biased as far as Runtime Revolution is concerned, or it may be all hogwash.
But, yes winning the Mac award may seem biased but maybe soon Rev can win the PCWorld award too!!!!!

All in fun, :-)


On Feb 8, 2004, at 9:51 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

I just did a search on advanced Google as follows:

Find all of the words "Runtime Revolution" and Without the words "Macintosh" and found 25,300 matches.
That's 25,300 matches that don't mention Macintosh!!!

I did the same search without windows as follows:

Find all of the words "Runtime Revolution" and Without the words "Windows" and found 20,700 matches.
That's only 20,700 matches that don't mention Windows!!!

This tells me that Windows is mentioned on more sites for Run Rev than Macintosh is!!!



On Feb 8, 2004, at 9:22 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Sorry, Dan, I respectfully disagree. Rev has had ads or been written
about in several Mac magazines (MacWorld UK, MacAddict, MacTech), but I
have yet to see an ad or write-up in a PC magazine (and I subscribe to a
bunch). I don't know about UNIX mags, but perhaps someone else can
comment on this. Do a web search for "Runtime Revolution" and see just
how many "hits" you get for sites that advertise or promote PC
development tools or news on the PC front.

Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III SCS 1000 Killarney Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-885-8541

use-revolution mailing list

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