On Feb 9, 2004, at 6:05 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Brian's never seen Chipp's versioning auto-saver?

Chipp's revArchive stack is a smart version of File menu | Save As. Better than nothing, but it is definitely not a VC system.

What can't be hooked ? It's all exposed.

The Linux kernel is completely exposed too. Does that mean I want to go rewriting device drivers? No. (Admittedly there is a greater possibility of me ever understanding the runrev IDE than some Linux kernel code)

I wrote a runrev plugin for using an external script editor. I had to do some weird stuff to get it to work, and I'm still clueless what some of the messages I'm handling are actually are intended to do in the IDE. It was a lot of guesswork.

Writing a version control plugin would be much tougher - and probably can't be done with only the Plugin API.

Every time I start looking inside the Runrev IDE, I get this uneasy feeling. The best I can describe it is like coming to a a door that's closed, but not locked. You peek inside but you aren't sure whether you really belong in there.

- background groups - are they placed or not placed? How many cards are
they placed on? I found trying to envision a stack as a filesystem
hierarchy then background groups get confusing.

Then find another mental model. :)

If one were using a filesystem representation, then it's probably an external requirement (i.e. not self-imposed) because the connected VC system uses a filesystem. A VC being for example Subversion, the newer CVS like system. Most VC systems are based on files and filesystems.

But in a 100% transcript model then you could throw out the filesystem representation then I'm sure background groups would be easier to deal with.

But shared backgrounds are useful objects, so there must be some way to map
it into a database and it seem worth doing.


A number of others here have expressed a similar interest. If an open source
team was established to create such a system it may attract all the
resources needed to do a good job and have fun doing it.


Alex Rice | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

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