Le 10 févr. 04, à 01:00, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Brian Yennie wrote:

I have no idea how I would function on a team xTalk project. Previous
threads here have discussed CVS, bug tracking, group projects... and as
far as I can tell all of those things are non-existent. They all make
my life many times easier when working in PHP or C, or a host of other

Rev objects can be atomized down to individual properties and scripts, and
reassembled again in nearly infinite variety.

What specifically is needed, and what are the challenges of building it?

Probablly that, aside using CVS, a possible way could be to clone the Java's EJB2 design patterns logic to get it available to build "Entreprise-Revolution-Beans" atomic pieces of transcript code.

-- Richard Gaskin Fourth World Media Corporation ___________________________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.FourthWorld.com

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