Kevin Miller wrote:
It is my pleasure to introduce Ro Nagey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as our new
Evangelist for Dreamcard and Revolution.

For those of you who may not know Ro, he's an industry veteran who's worked intimately with just about every major xTalk environmment on the planet and a few lower-level languages besides.

Among other accomplishments he's owned the leading company selling third-party components for HyperCard, so he's no stranger to working for the mutual benefit of both third-party developers and the "mother ship".

He's also been an educator, successfully integrating HyperCard and other interactive media into the classroom, and has lent that experience to helping other educators do the same. At the Rev seminar in SF last year he held a breakout session on using Rev in the classroom (and he played a central role in putting that seminar together -- thanks Ro, that was a good time).

With Ro you'll find a rare intersection of skills, experience, and interests that give you someone who understands marketing, the needs of educators, and the finer points of scripting.

When was the last time you met a technology marketer who actually used the technology? :)

Ro does.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
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