The problem is that the discussions turned into insults and rude comments and they are still going on. The new traffic on the list is great and the help that this list offers is beyond any list I have ever seen. But when an intelligent discussion falls into rude comments being thrown at the "old timers", "old hands", "rich people" who are too busy "having their own pow wow" or "are used to it and expect others to get used to it" or what ever other snide comments people can come up with then it is no longer a productive discussion and is wasting an awful lot of list space which is normally used in helping people.

So there are two choices, continue on in unproductive mud slinging and snide rude remarks and insults or let this dead horse lie and get back to the business at hand.

Bugzilla does work ( if your bug is not voted on may others find different bugs more important to them) and Rev does pay attention to both this list and the improve list and BZ. The comments from Mark recently show just that. There are all kinds of bug fixes going on as we speak and Rev has committed to an increase in those bug fixes and bug fix releases.


On Jun 30, 2005, at 8:17 PM, Dennis Brown wrote:

We can always put requests into BZ, but I believe an intelligent discussion should proceed that action, and that only those who are interested should be subjected to the additional traffic. Perhaps it is time for an improve-list for the rest of us. The discussions will happen anyway --if not there, then here.

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.9, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.6

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