J. Landman Gay wrote:
Mark Smith wrote:
Ran the script here, on Mac 10.4.9, Rev 2.8.1 - all detailed files info matched the finder....

Thanks for checking, Mark. It's puzzling why we're getting different results than Wilhelm. Any XP users who feel like running the script? Here it is again:

on mouseUp
  answer folder "Choose a folder:"
  set the directory to it
  put the detailed files into fld 1
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in in fld 1
    get item 4 of line x of fld 1
    convert it to short date and time
    put it into item 4 of line x of fld 1
    get item 5 of line x of fld 1
    convert it to short date and time
    put it into item 5 of line x of fld 1
  end repeat
end mouseUp

My (linewrapped) results on XP look like this:

altindex.php,10225,,5/16/07 11:15 AM,5/20/07 4:18 PM,1179771621,0,0,0,666,

The dates are OK, although the result does deviate from what the docs tell you to expect in that items 3 and 11 (unsupported on windows) are supposed to therefore contain zero, according to the docs, in the same way as items 7,8,9. But are in fact empty. Unlikely to cause any real trouble I would think, but you never know.

Martin Baxter
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