Luis wrote:
A plain text file should do it, with the MAC code encrypted.

That's what I'm thinking. But encrypted or not, anyone who copies it will have access to the software.

(I'm starting to wonder if I care...) ;)

Other than that, you could pop over and get the MAC address off the interface directly! It's stamped on all network hardware (might be on the inside though...). Whoever installs the soft can get access and use that as the key.

When the software is installed on the server, it gets the MAC address by itself and stores it. The issue arises when a copy of the software on a remote machine starts up and needs to cross-check with the server to see if the server is running a valid copy. I need the server's MAC address for that.

Note that no software will be installed on any client machines. Everything has to be read across the network.

Storing info in a file that can be read remotely seems to be the only way to deal with the problem, but then that leaves a hole in the security. Anyone who copies that file and installs it on a different, unlicensed network will have full access.

The text file, encrypted or not, needs to be hidden and inaccessible to users while still being accessible to a remote machine inquiry.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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