Can you explain a little more about the HDR workflow? What formats, depths
etc to use. How to apply it all into RS3D?
Hi Karl,
I'm thinking of a general landscape tut...
In short, this is what I did if memory serves (this is a re-visit of
an old project):
1. Generate a heighmap with World Machine. Books could be written
about this, I've only seen the tip of the iceberg... It offers
several high-precision output formats (but it works with 16-bit
internally, hence some remaining banding that sometimes appears), I
think in this case I used raw 32-bit floating point output. At this
stage, you can also output other mappings like a flowmap, to make
more interesting materials later in RS. I think the resolution I used
is 2048x2048, I have to re-install HDRShop on my new system to check.
2. Import the 32-bit FP file into HDRshop. There are several options
here, I forgot which one is correct. Export as HDR.
3. Set up the bump height material in RS with this HDR file as
texture. Beware because the HDR-file is not limited to 0-1, make some
test renders to determine max bumpheight.
Voila, I hope this helps,
Mark H