Mark Heuymans wrote:
At 22:22 8-11-2006, you wrote:
Mark Heuymans wrote:
>Hello Mark
>> Vesa: does the Surface normal apply to a displaced surface? In other
>> words, do slope-dependent materials work?
>Yes, they do. Slope related features should be computed in the Surface
>Propertes shader using Bump Normal, not Surface Normal.
>Thanks for the beautiful animation! I hope you do not mind if I put
it into
>our web gallery?
>Best regards,

Here's an idea that mimics Vue's Ecosystem: is it possible (or easy to implement) to paste objects on a surface according to a VSL channel? A kind of Scope, but scope of objects' distribution (or 3d particles). Paint hairs or trees by VSL! Can it be done?

Mark H

Vue is an incredible software, too bad they don't offer tech support.
I bought Vue4 when it was brand new. It was and is a brilliant software, but since there is no real tech support, I can't rely on it for big project.
And e-onsoftware is not a company respecting it's customers.
When they released Vue5, they never offer upgrade prices for Vue4 users.
Brilliants coders with extremely bad marketing.
I will never buy again an e-onsoftware product.

Thanks for the warning, just in time ;)

But echo system is one of the best feature.
It is possible to do the same with a plugin with ElectricImage.

But in the end it is easy to replicate by manual copy/placing :
-copy a couples of object and place them.
-Group all the previous objects
-copy and place the previous group 5 times
-Group everything again
-Copy the new group and place it many times
-I swear you eyes will never see the difference.

You can also place object with physic.
Just put object in the air and let them fall on the ground.

Nice & simple :)
Yes, but what if it's not a real surface but a displaced one? I haven't checked that yet.

I see your point: it's perfectly possible to model a landscape with added details but I have a feeling the procedural distribution is almost within reach right now. Maybe scripting?

-Mark H

It's important to displace it 95% with real polygons, then applying the remaining 5% with rendering displacement for more details.
That way, you see where you are going.

I like Strata for DisplacementMapping is realtime in preview mode.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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