Hi Matthias

Thanks for showing this first try.. it looks nice !
Will be very intresting to see as this comes along...

I hope you get the workflow for image seq. to work as well..

Yep, any speedup to JS in RS and other things is good !

Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

Hi Stefan,

attached is the first skeleton try.
(For the textures I'll use nearly the same procedure,
needs then image sequences like image1xxx.end.
I'll give it a try with "image"+(1000+NUM)+".end")

Only some fiddling with the "flip" effect left.
Delay while flipping the images.

As you can see, RS needs significant speed
improvements while working with js-scripts.


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