On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Jason Winshell <jas...@bearriver.com>wrote:

> Jens,
> Thanks for the speedy response. I certainly appreciate the low-bandwidth
> situation of the folks who generously contribute their time. Nonetheless,
> IE is the browser used by government and many corporations. This is not a
> matter of what browser is better than another. It's just a fact of life. I
> as a contractor, don't get to dictate the tools used in those environments.
> IT staff, like database administrators are absolutely not going to use curl
> (assuming it's even allowed to be installed on machines) to manage a
> database. CouchDB has to have

Got to cut you off there... open source projects don't *have* to do
anything the project's community doesn't elect to do, they don't even have
to continue existing. If making bizarre urgent demands of technology is
how government contracting has conditioned you to cope with problems, there
are plenty of commercial database alternatives who'd no doubt appreciate
your dollars.

> I'm curious as to what the QA process is for posting official releases.
> What is the test regression process?

Here's where you can help - earlier in the thread I alluded to just one of
many possible ways that QA could be improved to alleviate cross-browser
woes, but it doesn't automagically happen. If you want to see improvements,
stop waxing pathetic about /gub'ment this/ and /draconian IT that/... and
instead resolve to contribute.

DISCLAIMER: All positions and opinions expressed here-in are Matt's and
Matt's alone, and may not represent the CouchDB project, it's committers,
or it's sponsors.


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