I have tried some other things and the results of that made me think
this problem actually does have anything to do with the the configured
stylesheets. I am positive that it is not related to the content itself,
- When I copy the 'corrupt' file and link to it, it works flawless.
- When I rename the 'corrupt' file, and alter the link, it works
flawless as well.

So the workaround for now is to change the file names, albeit a bit of a
poor mens solution.

>>Sorry I have not responded, I have no idea what is happening here.
>>It seems strange that you say it works with "forrest run" but not with
the distributed version. This would imply that there was a problem with
the packaging of the war file. However, I do not understand why it is
only happening on one or two files.
>>Could I ask you to restate your problem again. That will help us to
refocus on the problem as so far I seem to have taken us down blind
>Neither have I. I have removed the entire application from the web
server, rebuilt and redployed it again and now it works.
>The strange thing is that (obviously) I have tried that before, and
then it failed.
>For now, I am just praying it keeps on working since I have to move on,
but I am not really happy with it.
>You ask for restating the problem, well here it comes.
>We are using forrest to document our software and we are publishing
release notes and that kind of stuff with it.
>The pages are simple xml pages with the normal stylesheets, but some of
the pages fail for whatever reason with the following message:
>  Message: null
>  Description: No details available.
>  Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
>  Source: Cocoon Servlet
>  Request URI: vf-global-ue/downloads.html
>  Cause: Unrecognized file format.
>  request-uri: /docportal/vf-global-ue/downloads.html
>The event log is complaining about a pipeline exception, somewhere in
> INFO: ERROR   (2005-05-27) 14:37.30:421   [access  ]
http-80-Processor24/CocoonServlet: Internal Cocoon Problem
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Unrecognized file format.
>       at
>>Grandia, Gerco wrote:
>>>>Grandia, Gerco wrote:
>>>>>>Grandia, Gerco wrote:
>>>>>>>4) Yes, but the page giving problems is not using them.
>>>>>>Hmmm... you *think* it is not using them. Lets not rule it out
>>>>>yet, we may come back to this.
>>>>>Agree, you never know. I will attach the sitemap, and the URL we
>>>>>using and that's causing us trouble is 
>>>>I agree that it doesn't look like it's your sitemap getting in the
>>>>>>It just occured to me your site is online, is it publically
>>> available,
>>>>>if so a link to a problem page would help immensely.
>>>>>Unfortunately not, it's an intranet site. However, I the error
>>> message
>>>>>is listed below:
>>>>>Message: null
>>>>>Description: No details available.
>>>>>Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
>>>>>Source: Cocoon Servlet
>>>>>Request URI: vf-global-ue/downloads.html
>>>>>Cause: Unrecognized file format.
>>>>>request-uri: /docportal/vf-global-ue/downloads.html
>>>>What do you see in WEB-INF/logs/error.log?
>>> Nothing, although I have put the error logging to DEBUG, that
>>> seem to make a difference.
>>> In the stdout from tomcat I see the following message:
>>> INFO: ERROR   (2005-05-27) 14:37.30:421   [access  ]
>>> (/docportal/vf-global-ue/downloads.html)
>>> http-80-Processor24/CocoonServlet: Internal Cocoon Problem
>>> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
>>> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
>>> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Unrecognized file format.
>>>     at
>>> e
>>> ss
>>> XMLPipeline(AbstractProcessingPipeline.java:542)
>>>     at
>>> i
>>> pe
>>> line.processXMLPipeline(AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline.java:166)
>>>     at
>>> e
>>> ss
>>> (AbstractProcessingPipeline.java:478)
>>>     at
>>> k
>>> e(
>>> SerializeNode.java:134)
>>>     at
>>> invokeNodes(AbstractParentProcessingNode.java:76)
>>>     at
>>> i
>>> ne
>>> rNode.java:38)
>>>     at
>>> C
>>> at
>>> egoryNode.java:66)

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