I've got a raw html file that is being auto-converted -- decorated -- by forrest.

Although the conversion goes well for the initial sections, at one point the conversion stops, and the rest of the file does not appear. There are no error messages or warnings.

I have validated the document using the W3C validator, and it passes whether I use it as 4.01 loose or XHTML strict. (The meta tags have to be modified, depending on the format, but the rest of the document is unchanged.)

Problem 1: no conversion of XHTML strict

If the document is XHTML strict, then forrest does not convert any of the body text whatsoever!

Problem 2: partial conversion of HTML 4.01 text.

The initial paragraphs convert with no problem. They look like this:

  DIALOGIC &amp; INTEL CORPORATION / 1996 - 2002<br/>
  1996 - 2002: Speech Technology<br/>
  Mission: Architect and Advocate for Speech Technologies.<br/>
  <em>(Note: Dialogic was acquired by Intel in 1999.)</em><br/>
  <li>Guide technical development... </li>


The paragraphs which do not convert look like this:

        <h4>Speech Recognition &amp; Speech Technology</h4>
          <li>Cross-industry knowledge...</li>

The only line that converts is the <h4> line, SKILLS, and the rest of the document is missing. I thought the "&amp;" in the <h4> might be throwing the system off, I tried removing it, and that's not the problem.

If anyone has any ideas on how to debug this, please let me know!