Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:
> I've got a raw html file that is being auto-converted -- decorated -- 
> by forrest.

Then it is not "raw". Raw files get no decoration.

> Although the conversion goes well for the initial sections, at one point 
> the conversion stops, and the rest of the file does not appear. There 
> are no error messages or warnings.

This is probably the h2, h3, h4 issue that Brian mentioned.

> I have validated the document using the W3C validator, and it passes 
> whether I use it as 4.01 loose or XHTML strict. (The meta tags have to 
> be modified, depending  on the format, but the rest of the document is 
> unchanged.)
> Problem 1: no conversion of XHTML strict
> If the document is XHTML strict, then forrest does not convert any of 
> the body text whatsoever!

Correct because Forrest is expecting HTML input,
not XHTML.

You need to add a SourceTypeAction for XHTML.
