Does anything in this cocoon info page need to be implemented?

thank you,

Helena Edelson wrote:

Helena Edelson wrote:

I tested the i18n features of forrest-0.7-dev
- made a new dir
- fresh forrest seed
- turned forrest.i18n on
- added index_es.xml to .../xdocs/
- (menu_es.xml, languages_es.xml, tabs_es.xml in distro)
- index.xml file was renamed  index_es.xml

modified index_es.xml to display some Spanish text
Cheche's blog suggests to do this which I did as well:
added project.configfile=/var/tmp/fs/cli.xconf to
modify cli.xconf and add this line:
<uri type=”insert” src-prefix=”" src="" follow-links=”false” dest=”/var/tmp/fs/build/i18n/*.en” />
I looked in my build/tmp/ and found that even though I set
project.i18n=true in,
ant output is project.i18n=false.
Why might this be?

My index_es.html is served (locale in browser set to 'es') yet the menu_es.xml does not.
I know from mail-archives and others that translation of both menu and doc can work.

embarrasing question: Is it the case that if we want multiple languages to be supported, we have to supply the
translations per document page? Nothing will automatically translate for the app like how the online
translation engines do it? Would be great to plug something like that in and simply do:

localhost:8888/index.html?locale=es or localhost:8888/index.html?locale=fr


David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:
Helena Edelson wrote:
i am also working on i18n. when i figure it out,
i was thinking it might be help ful to write a how to.
everything so far seems
fractured in terms of the steps to take to implement.
there are many if then's and info is everywhere, from
docs to jira to cocoon docs..
 te a start is what is needed.
Yes, use one catalogue file per language.

Yes we do need to bring it all together
in the forrest docs.
