Helena Edelson wrote:
Has anyone on this list worked with web-based translation engines?
Hard-coding each content page is not really an option for large sites with a high frequency of new content.

With guidance, I could contribute a basic i18n how to. The basics are rather easy actually.

See my earlier reply regarding this subject: http://www.mail-archive.com/user@forrest.apache.org/msg01529.html

But I wonder, there seems to be so much in cocoon for i18n, is there anything there to implement in forrest to gain more flexibility? Or is forrest's implementation already drawing fully on that?

Again, as I have described a few times on this list. i18n is in its infancy within Forrest, more work is needed, in any direction that makes sense. The problem is that there are currently no active devs working on this area (although most of us have at least half an eye on this issue).

Your promise of documenting the current state of play will be a great help to us in deciding how to best improve on the current situation. Please feel free to join us on the dev list if you have any specific proposals about how to improve things.
