Hi Dave, that message is benign. Would you be able to export your project from Eclipse and attach it (or email it to me) ?? Also, do you have the Eclipse prereq for the GEP (i.e., Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers) ??

Dave Syer wrote:
Thanks Tim, that got me started, at least.  Still can't deploy my
application, so don't go away!

Updating the namespace as below means that I can open the descriptor with
the GEP editor.  But nothing I do to it seems to change the source code, so
I'm not convinced it actually works yet.  The wiki is out of date I guess
because it shows version 1.0 of the schemas being used.  So I wasn't using
an invalid namespace (I even downloaded the schema to see if it told me
anything), just the wrong one.  I guess the tooling could do a better job of
telling me what's going on there.

As far as creating a new project, I won't attach anything because there is
only one entry (and it's a warning not an error):

"More than one declaration found for action type INSTALL of projet facet
org.apache.geronimo.facet 1.2."

Does that mean anything?

What about adding descriptors to existing projects.  Shouldn't there be a
New->... menu for it or something?


Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
Hi Dave, actually that is significant. It means that one (or more) of the namespaces in your deployment descriptor is not valid. If you're using a simple dynamic web app, the namespaces at the top of the geronimo-web.xml should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<web:web-app xmlns:dep="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.2";

Also, the fact that you're not getting a geronimo-web.xml automatically is problematic. Could you attach the .log file from your workspace .metadata directory so we can see if you're getting any exceptions. Thanks

Tim McConnell

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