Hi again Dave, I'm trying to understand why the wizards are not creating the Geronimo deployment plans automatically for you. Do you have something other than the GEP and the eclipse-jee-europa zip file in your Eclipse installation ?? Does the Geronimo server you have defined in the GEP start okay ?? And finally, are you using that as the "Target Runtime" when you create your project with those wizards (e.g., dynamic-web application) ??

Dave Syer wrote:

I have the Eclipse version downloaded from the link posted earlier in this
thread.  It looks like it has all the JEE stuff (file downloaded was
eclipse-jee-europa-winter-win32.zip - I tried on Linux as well, where
obviously the filename is different).

Attached is a dynamic web project created from the wizard (foo.zip).  The
GEP facet was attached, but no deployment descriptor is present.  It
probably doesn't tell you much.

I did get another web app to deploy by copying your deployment descriptor
verbatim.  The GEP editor still didn't work on it (opened but not editable),
but at least the app worked.

Can you do the same magic now for an openejb-jar.xml (also not created by
the wizard).  I copied one from the samples in trunk, but that didn't work -
same symptoms as the web case (cannot open in GEP, and NPE when it deploys).



Tim McConnell-2 wrote:
Hi Dave, that message is benign. Would you be able to export your project
from Eclipse and attach it (or email it to me) ?? Also, do you have the Eclipse prereq for the GEP (i.e., Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers) ?? http://www.nabble.com/file/p18171886/foo.zip foo.zip

Tim McConnell

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