On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:33 AM, Ziplies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently having the exact same problem as described here. Of course I
> read and tried everything with Java5 but nothing changed. The only
> difference I have is that I use Eclipse Ganymede with GEP2.1.1.
> Referencing the Server, geronimo-tomcat.2.1.1, works fine. It starts, I can
> access it, the console, everything wonderful.
> But if I create a dynweb-project it does not create the geronimo-web.xml
> and
> throws NullPointerExceptions if I try to deploy to the server, even if if
> create the geronimo-web.xml myself.
> From this thread

I can tell you that the GEP is not supported for Ganymede.

> I tried to be clever and downloaded and extracted eclipse 3.3.2. Installed
> WTP and so on over the Update Sites and wanted to again create a DynWeb
> Project. But the same thing happened. No geronimo-web.xml but Server gets
> connected correctly and starts and everything.
> I tried several Eclipse Versions, clean installs, clean workspaces, no old
> plugins, metadata or configurations. I hope anybody can help me, because I
> am trying for three days know and my nerves are on the bring of collapse.

I don't know what's wrong with that, but I got Eclipse IDE for J2EE devs
(you can download it here:
I got it working with the WAS CE Plugin (basically the same as GEP) and I
got no problems at all.

> I thank anyone in advance. If more information is needed, just ask!

> Regards

Hope this helps


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