Are the data all static contents such as images, videos etc.? Is there a
deep directory structure?


2009/5/4 Patrick Kranz <>

> Hi Ivan,
> sorry it took me so long to answer.
> No, the log files don“t give any hint about what is going on. It only
> prints messages coming from our application and those messages are the same
> for both cases (started with all data on the local disk and started with
> data located on an NFS share).
> Patrick
> Ivan schrieb:
>> Does Geronimo output anything in the deployment process, could you please
>> show us those logs ?
>> Ivan
>> 2009/4/30 Patrick Kranz < <mailto:
>>    Sorry, I forgot to mention: I am doing a deployment with the
>>    --inPlace parameter, so the application is not being copied to the
>>    Geronimo repository.
>>    Greets,
>>    Patrick
>>    Patrick Kranz schrieb:
>>        Hello list,
>>        I“ve been working with Geronimo for some days now and I have a
>>        question regarding the deployment process, especially about
>>        what happens behind the scenes.
>>        I am working on a project that has a lot of content (mainly
>>        JSPs but also images, pdfs and so on). For the development
>>        environment this content is reduced to a minimum, that is
>>        something around 800MB. The live system has more data because
>>        customers can upload images and even small videos. This data
>>        is placed on a file server and mounted via NFS on the
>>        development machines, where the content is linked from the
>>        docroot using symbolic links.
>>        If I start this scenario with Tomcat, the application start
>>        takes about 3,5 minutes (really application startup, no
>>        copying of data). If I try the same with Geronimo startup
>>        takes about 30 minutes with the system almost being idle and
>>        enormous network traffic. If I copy all the static content to
>>        my system and start geronimo it takes about 5 minutes.
>>        So, my question is, what does Geronimo do in the background
>>        that causes this startup time if the content is on a network
>>        share and can I prevent this from happening?
>>        Thanks in advance for every help!
>>        Greets,
>>        Patrick
>>        Geronimo 2.1.4
>>        System: Linux CentOS 5
>> --
>> Ivan

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