
I've been working on replacing Geronimo 2.1.4's server-security-config
plugin's example security with our own security plugin. We need single
sign on for our application which also means the same sign on process
has to work with the Geronimo admin console. We need to be able to use
custom realms and custom login modules in our server-security-config
plugin replacement that may change depending on the environment we
deploy to. I've run into two limitations so far that I've found
documented online. One is that unless I want to re-deploy other plugins
that use the 'geronimo-admin' security realm, than our custom security
realm must be named 'geronimo-admin' as well. The other is that I ran
into http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-4603, forcing me to
creating a dummy properties-login gbean in order for the tomcat
components to start up.  I've created alias' for my plugin over the
server-security-config plugin in 'artifact-aliases.properties' file and
I've also disabled the server-security-config plugin and added my plugin
as a loaded module in the 'config.xml'. Unfortunately, I still cannot
log into the Geronimo console using my custom security realm and login
module. Geronimo has no problem starting with the current configuration
and I can even login using my custom login module. Everything seems
happy as far as the login process is concerned when I step through the
code, but instead of seeing the Geronimo console I get a tomcat error
page stating 'Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden'.
The logs are completely clean as well as the console output. My only
idea is that my admin users also need to be members of a specifically
named Geronimo admin group (make my admin groups name exactly match the
one setup in the default security plugin)? I have not tested this
hypothesis out yet, because I have my own admin group that is used by
our application that I would like to re-use as the Geronimo console's
admin group. Any other thoughts?



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