To reproduce it create your own server-security-config plugin that uses any 
login module other than the properties-login gbean that is expected. You then 
need to deploy your new server-security-config plugin and have it completely 
replace the default server-security-config (see
 I achieved this by telling the server-security-config car to not load in the 
config.xml, telling my security plugin to load in the config.xml, and then 
adding artifact aliases for both the 2.1.4 and wildcard-versioned lines 
referring to the server-security-config plugin in the file.


In config.xml:
        <module name=""/>

Now try and startup Geronimo. You will see the error discussing the missing 
expected gbean.
Hope this helps,

Errr. Ouch. *rubbing the brused area in his brain*.

I'm not that on with everything you said. I think the best thing would
be to reproduce it. What would I do to reproduce it?


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:42 PM, David Jencks <> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2009, at 5:49 AM, Quintin Beukes wrote:
>> I'll be willing to have a look at it.
>> can you give me a general idea what I'm supposed to look at and how it
>> would be done?
> IIRC the failure is caused by an unsatisfied single valued gbean reference
> to the properties login module gbean from something in the admin console.
>  You need to find the gbean reference and change it to a collection valued
> reference so it's no longer a mandatory reference.  You can wrap a
> collection valued reference with SingleElementCollection to make it act like
> an optional single valued reference.
> hope this is clear enough to help..
> david jencks
>> Q
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:07 AM, David Jencks <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Joe!
>>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Joe Dente wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been working on replacing Geronimo 2.1.4's server-security-config
>>> plugin's example security with our own security plugin. We need single
>>> sign
>>> on for our application which also means the same sign on process has to
>>> work
>>> with the Geronimo admin console. We need to be able to use custom realms
>>> and
>>> custom login modules in our server-security-config plugin replacement
>>> that
>>> may change depending on the environment we deploy to. I've run into two
>>> limitations so far that I've found documented online. One is that unless
>>> I
>>> want to re-deploy other plugins that use the 'geronimo-admin' security
>>> realm, than our custom security realm must be named 'geronimo-admin' as
>>> well. The other is that I ran
>>> into, forcing me to
>>> creating a dummy properties-login gbean in order for the tomcat
>>> components
>>> to start up.
>>> In my experience this is incredibly annoying.  I don't have time but
>>> wonder
>>> if anyone else can see about fixing this for 2.2.
>>>  I've created alias' for my plugin over the server-security-config plugin
>>> in
>>> '' file and I've also disabled the
>>> server-security-config plugin and added my plugin as a loaded module in
>>> the
>>> 'config.xml'. Unfortunately, I still cannot log into the Geronimo console
>>> using my custom security realm and login module. Geronimo has no problem
>>> starting with the current configuration and I can even login using my
>>> custom
>>> login module. Everything seems happy as far as the login process is
>>> concerned when I step through the code, but instead of seeing the
>>> Geronimo
>>> console I get a tomcat error page stating 'Access to the specified
>>> resource
>>> () has been forbidden'.  The logs are completely clean as well as the
>>> console output. My only idea is that my admin users also need to be
>>> members
>>> of a specifically named Geronimo admin group (make my admin groups name
>>> exactly match the one setup in the default security plugin)? I have not
>>> tested this hypothesis out yet, because I have my own admin group that is
>>> used by our application that I would like to re-use as the Geronimo
>>> console's admin group. Any other thoughts?
>>> In 2.1.x you are stuck with the principal-role mapping in the ee
>>> application, although in 2.2 you can put it into a different plugin if
>>> you
>>> want and I think then swap it via an artifact-alias with one in a
>>> different
>>> plugin.
>>> So, that means that you need to supply the principals the principal-role
>>> mapping expects:
>>>    <security xmlns="";>
>>>        <role-mappings>
>>>            <role role-name="admin">
>>>                <principal
>>> class=""
>>> name="admin" />
>>>            </role>
>>>        </role-mappings>
>>>    </security>
>>> So, your login module needs to supply a principal of
>>> class GeronimoGroupPrincipal and name "admin".
>>> Let us know if this doesn't work.
>>> thanks
>>> david jencks
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joe
>> --
>> Quintin Beukes

Quintin Beukes

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