Thanks for your input Sebastian. Given the choice to removing PageRankVertex or adding the fix, I've added your fix and will cut RC2 a bit later today. I really hope this is the last RC.


On 4/14/13 9:34 AM, Sebastian Schelter wrote:
Hi Avery,

I see your concerns. The benchmarking question is difficult, we had very
bad experiences with Mahout in that regards. E.g., we once had a
M/R-based PageRank implementation in Mahout that uses our integer-based
vectors and removed it as we got public complaints that you can't fit
the whole web into the range of an integer. Personally, I'd also refrain
from using floats instead of doubles for benchmarks, as this simply
means you give up on accuracy.

Regarding benchmarks, I guess the best thing we could do is publish our
own numbers. The current runtimes I've seen are already very good,
Giraph beat a very optimized Stratosphere implementation that we did for
a recent paper by approx. 25%.

To conclude, I do in no way want to hold up the current release. I'm
perfectly fine with not including the patch and optimizing the
implementation for a 1.0.1 release, but then we should remove the
current examples.PageRankVertex from the 1.0 release, as the convergence
detection is broken and we should not knowingly ship bugged code.


On 14.04.2013 18:18, Avery Ching wrote:
Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the patch.  I'll try to take a look at it.

The only reason I bring the optimizations up is that a lot of folks tend
to compare PageRank performance.  The optimizations I'm referring to are
Giraph ones, not algorithmic ones.  We use ints, floats for ids,
messages, respectively instead longs, doubles (1/2 network traffic) and
IntNullArrayEdges vertex edges (efficient array backed edges) instead of
ByteArrayEdges.  You can see for more details.

Anyway, given that we are going to ship a 1.0.1 release in a few weeks
for a variety of reasons, should this really hold up the current
release?  I would prefer to not cut anymore RCs unless things are
totally broken (i.e. profiles not compiling, major Giraph bugs, etc.).
There are still a lot of outstanding issues in JIRA, we can't fix them
all for the 1.0 release.

Let me know what you think.


On 4/13/13 10:46 AM, Sebastian Schelter wrote:
Hi Avery,

I found the bug and can I provide a patch today or tomorrow, so
hopefully we can include that in the release (to not knowingly ship
bugged code). Furthermore I improved the code to protect against
rounding errors.

I don't really get what you mean with the missing optimization in
comparison to the benchmark PageRank implementation.

The implementation in o.a.g.examples.PageRankVertex aims to be a robust
real-world implementation. As optimization, it dismisses edge weights
and reuses objects where possible. Furthermore it is able to handle
dangling vertices that are present in almost every real-world network
and it automatically detects the number of supersteps to run. With the
patch, it should also provide improved numerical stability.

If the runtimes doesn't look good enough when compared to the benchmark
implementation, this might also be caused by the dataset which has a
skewed degree distribution (like most real-world networks). The
benchmark uses a uniform degree distribution AFAIK.


On 13.04.2013 15:46, Avery Ching wrote:
That's great Sebastian.  I would also recommend taking a look at the
PageRankBenchmark for a performance comparison.  It has been a lot of
speed improvements that should be a bunch faster than PageRankVertex.
Even that though, is not totally optimized.  Hopefully we'll be adding a
"how to optimize performance" guide in the near future.  Should we delay
the release or simply just ship a 1.1, say in the next month with this
fix and supporting YARN's 2.0.4?  I'd like to get on a more normal
release cycle rather than once a year =).


On 4/13/13 3:02 AM, Sebastian Schelter wrote:
Hi there,

I got some good and bad news, I tested PageRankVertex (not the
but the example implementation o.a.g.examples.PageRankVertex) from
compiled for Hadoop 1.0 on a cluster of 26 machines with 208 cores.

I used the Webbase2001 dataset [1] which has 115M vertices and more
1B edges and got some awesome running times, average superstep takes 15
seconds (!!!). Awesome work, I have to say!

Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with the convergence
detection, as it didn't get the correct convergence behavior. I'd like
to have a look into that this week, so we can ship a performant
implementation which automatically runs an appropriate number of
supersteps. Hope this doesn't delay the release too much.



On 13.04.2013 07:39, Avery Ching wrote:
Thanks to the quick feedback from Roman and Lewis, we have cut a
new RC1
that addresses the following issues.

* Got rid of .git repo in tarball
* Fixed issue with not compiling without git repo (GIRAPH-628)
* Used gnutar in OSX rather than tar to generate the tarball and
get rid
of warnings
* Pushed GIRAPH-627 to support the yarn profile better
* Tarball name changed to the final artifact name (giraph-1.0.tar.gz)

Release notes:

Release artifacts:

Corresponding git tag:;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-1.0-RC1

Signing keys:

The vote runs for 72 hours, until Monday 11pm PST.



Original message below regarding rc0:


Fellow Giraphers,

We have a our first release candidate since graduating from
    This is a source release, primarily due to the different
versions of
Hadoop we support with munge (similar to the 0.1 release).  Since 0.1,
we've made A TON of progress on overall performance, optimizing memory
use, split vertex/edge inputs, easy interoperability with Apache Hive,
and a bunch of other areas.  In many ways, this is an almost totally
different codebase.  Thanks everyone for your hard work!

Apache Giraph has been running in production at Facebook (against
Facebook's Corona implementation of Hadoop -
since around last December.  It has proven to be very scalable,
performant, and enables a bunch of new applications.  Based on the
drastic improvements and the use of Giraph in production, it seems
appropriate to bump up our version to 1.0.

While anyone can vote, the ASF requires majority approval from the PMC
-- i.e., at least three PMC members must vote affirmatively for
and there must be more positive than negative votes. Releases may
not be
vetoed. Before voting +1 PMC members are required to download the
source code package, compile it as provided, and test the resulting
executable on their own platform, along with also verifying that the
package meets the requirements of the ASF policy on releases.

Please test this against many other Hadoop versions and let us know
this goes!

Release notes:

Release artifacts:

Corresponding git tag:;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-1.0-RC0

Signing keys:

The vote runs for 72 hours, until Monday 4pm PST.

Thanks everyone for your patience with this release!


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