You have a running +1 from me, consider it a standing vote for any more
RC's needed to make the release happen.

@Roman/Avery: In regards to the YARN versioning, if you'd rather (for the
short term) have me bump the hardcoded hadoop version to 2.0.4-alpha in
anticipation of a more enlightened Maven fix to select versions via -D
options, I can do that tonight/tomorrow to get it into RC3. If you don't
hear back tonight, you can CC me at and I'll get it.

I will also update the wiki soon to explain how to run the YARN version,
how it works at a high level, and even (to be removed later) the 2 or 3
spots in 2 POM files you need to change the hardcoded Hadoop version if
someone wants to build against the current YARN impl that will end up in
our release. Its not appropriate as a replacement for the correct
command-line selection, but it is certainly quick and easy to do on the
fly, especially if users will be building from source anyway. There is no
Hadoop versioning set in code in GIRAPH-13, so the Maven scripts are the
only changes required.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Avery Ching <> wrote:

> Thanks for pointing this out, Roman. I'll push out RC3 sometime today with
> those changes.
> Avery
> On 4/15/13 1:46 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
>> Avery,
>> when I download the latest RC as:
>> giraph-1.0.0.tar.gz<>
>> it looks like the internal Maven versions in POM files
>> are still 0.2-SNAPSHOT -- that needs to be fixed.
>> Also, once that is fixed, could you please make the
>> staged Maven artifacts available as well so that
>> I can test those:
>> html#staging-maven<>
>> As it stands, unfortunately, I think we might need RC3.
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.
>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Avery Ching <> wrote:
>>> Hopefully last RC release.  This patch includes GIRAPH-630.  I also
>>> changed
>>> the version number to be 1.0.0 so our next release can be 1.0.1.
>>> Release notes:
>>> Release artifacts:
>>> Corresponding git tag:
>>> shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-**1.0.0-RC2<;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-1.0.0-RC2>
>>> Signing keys:
>>> The vote runs for 72 hours, until Wednesday 7:15pm PST.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Avery
>>> On 4/12/13 10:39 PM, Avery Ching wrote:
>>>> Thanks to the quick feedback from Roman and Lewis, we have cut a new RC1
>>>> that addresses the following issues.
>>>> * Got rid of .git repo in tarball
>>>> * Fixed issue with not compiling without git repo (GIRAPH-628)
>>>> * Used gnutar in OSX rather than tar to generate the tarball and get rid
>>>> of warnings
>>>> * Pushed GIRAPH-627 to support the yarn profile better
>>>> * Tarball name changed to the final artifact name (giraph-1.0.tar.gz)
>>>> Release notes:
>>>> Release artifacts:
>>>> Corresponding git tag:
>>>> shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-**1.0-RC1<;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-1.0-RC1>
>>>> Signing keys:
>>>> The vote runs for 72 hours, until Monday 11pm PST.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Avery
>>>> Original message below regarding rc0:
>>>> ------------------------------**-
>>>> Fellow Giraphers,
>>>> We have a our first release candidate since graduating from incubation.
>>>> This is a source release, primarily due to the different versions of
>>>> Hadoop
>>>> we support with munge (similar to the 0.1 release).  Since 0.1, we've
>>>> made A
>>>> TON of progress on overall performance, optimizing memory use, split
>>>> vertex/edge inputs, easy interoperability with Apache Hive, and a bunch
>>>> of
>>>> other areas.  In many ways, this is an almost totally different
>>>> codebase.
>>>> Thanks everyone for your hard work!
>>>> Apache Giraph has been running in production at Facebook (against
>>>> Facebook's Corona implementation of Hadoop -
>>>> contrib/corona<>)
>>>> since
>>>> around last December.  It has proven to be very scalable, performant,
>>>> and
>>>> enables a bunch of new applications.  Based on the drastic improvements
>>>> and
>>>> the use of Giraph in production, it seems appropriate to bump up our
>>>> version
>>>> to 1.0.
>>>> While anyone can vote, the ASF requires majority approval from the PMC
>>>> --
>>>> i.e., at least three PMC members must vote affirmatively for release,
>>>> and
>>>> there must be more positive than negative votes. Releases may not be
>>>> vetoed.
>>>> Before voting +1 PMC members are required to download the signed source
>>>> code
>>>> package, compile it as provided, and test the resulting executable on
>>>> their
>>>> own platform, along with also verifying that the package meets the
>>>> requirements of the ASF policy on releases.
>>>> Please test this against many other Hadoop versions and let us know how
>>>> this goes!
>>>> Release notes:
>>>> Release artifacts:
>>>> Corresponding git tag:
>>>> shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-**1.0-RC0<;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/release-1.0-RC0>
>>>> Signing keys:
>>>> The vote runs for 72 hours, until Monday 4pm PST.
>>>> Thanks everyone for your patience with this release!
>>>> Avery

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