The access logs are of very limited utility, providing little
information beyond the status code (500). Please provide the log
output from:

1) Guacamole itself (this will likely be in "catalina.out", but could
also be in journalctl or elsewhere, depending on how Tomcat is
installed/packaged in your case)
2) guacd (this will be syslog, likely /var/log/messages,
/var/log/syslog, or journalctl, depending on your distribution)


- Mike

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 11:47 PM, Youhei Ootsuki
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Would you like to read this log ?
> Suddenly "HTTP 500 ERROR" is occurring.
> The setting at that time is as follows
> ------- setting ---------
>         <connection name="Catalyst 3750 V2(ssh)">
>             <protocol>ssh</protocol>
>             <param name="hostname">*********</param>
>             <param name="port">22</param>
>             <param name="enable-sftp">true</param>
>             <param name="username">*********</param>
>             <param name="password">*********</param>
>             <!-- param name="color-scheme">black-white</param -->
>         </connection>
> -------
> ------- log -------
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:10 "GET /GUAC/api/patches HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:10 "GET /GUAC/api/languages HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:10 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 403
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:33 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 403
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/data/default/connectionGroups/ROOT/tree?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET
> /GUAC/api/patches?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/data/default/users/youhei-otsuki?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/magnifier.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/protocol-icons/guac-text.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/protocol-icons/guac-monitor.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-logout-dark.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/arrows/down.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/user-icons/guac-user.png HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/data/default/self/permissions?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/data/default/activeConnections?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-home-dark.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:42 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-config-dark.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/settings/touchscreen.png HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/settings/touchpad.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/settings/tablet-keys.png HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/settings/zoom-in.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/settings/zoom-out.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/share.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-back.png HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/drive.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/layouts/en-us-qwerty.json HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/app/element/templates/blank.html HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/data/default/connections/Catalyst%203750%20V2(ssh)?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/x.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET /GUAC/images/logo-144.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET
> /GUAC/websocket-tunnel?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0&GUAC_DATA_SOURCE=default&GUAC_ID=Catalyst%203750%20V2(ssh)&GUAC_TYPE=c&GUAC_WIDTH=1475&GUAC_HEIGHT=864&GUAC_DPI=96&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL8&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL16&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fjpeg&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fpng
> HTTP/1.1" 500
> 25/Oct/2017:15:21:54 "GET
> /GUAC/api/session/tunnels/3f75fd9f-1dc5-469c-a50e-7d11d1c465b9/activeConnection/connection/sharingProfiles?token=5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 404
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:09 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:09 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-home.png HTTP/1.1"
> 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:09 "GET /GUAC/images/circle-arrows.png HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:09 "GET /GUAC/images/action-icons/guac-logout.png
> HTTP/1.1" 200
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:16 "DELETE
> /GUAC/api/tokens/5B2E50C517D0B38A68B5824EA84D5D6B4F1FDC6430834B581C7275195DAAB5F0
> HTTP/1.1" 204
> 25/Oct/2017:15:22:16 "POST /GUAC/api/tokens HTTP/1.1" 403
> Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
> I would appreciate your prompt reply.
> Thanks,
> 2017-10-22 21:49 GMT+09:00 Youhei Ootsuki <>:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you very much for your reply.
>> I got a log file
>> Do I need any additional information?
>> Please contact , if there is something
>> 2017-10-17 11:40 GMT+09:00 Nick Couchman <>:
>>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 8:28 AM, Youhei Ootsuki <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thank you very much for your reply.
>>>> > At what point in the process do you get the error?
>>>> I can login to My Guacamole server. ( HTTPS )
>>>> but, I can not connect to the remote server with SSH.
>>>> However, RDP connection is possible.( Another remote server )
>>>> and, SSH connection to myself is also possible( Guacamole server to
>>>> Guacamole server on ssh )
>>>> SSH connection to Cisco IOS is also possible.
>>>> SSH connection to the latest Linux such as Debian 9, Centos 7 is
>>>> impossible.
>>> That's very strange.  I don't use Debian much, but I do use CentOS 7.4
>>> and RHEL 7.4 routinely, and connect to these hosts with Guacamole without a
>>> problem.
>>> Can you enable debugging mode for guacd (guacamole server) and capture
>>> the logs when the connection fails?  You can either change the startup, or
>>> stop the service and run guacd manually with the -L debug flag and the -f
>>> flag and capture the output during a connection failure:
>>> /usr/sbin/guacd -L debug -f
>>> (Use the appropriate path to guacd, wherever you have it installed.)
>>> -Nick

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