Thanks Naveen.

-- Cache Groups: When would I start considering cache groups, if my system
is growing, and sooner or later I will have to add to my caches and I need
to know 1) should I starting grouping now (I'd think yes), 2) if no, when,
what number of caches?
-- Capacity Planning: So, there is no guidelines on how to size the nodes
and the physical storage nodes reside on? How do I make sure all the
related data fit the same VM? It can't be the case that I have to come up
with 100s of super size VMs just because I have one instance with a huge
set of entries. For example, if I have millions of entries for India and
only a few for other countries, how do I make sure all the India related
data fits the same VM (to avoid the network) and have the data for all the
small countries fit on the same VM?
-- Pinning the data to cache: the data pinned to on-heap cache does not get
evicted from the memory? I want to see if there is something similar to
Oracle's memory pinning.
-- Read through: How do I know if something on cache or disk (using native
5) Service chaining: Is there an example of service chaining that you can
point me to?

6) How do I implement service pipelining in apache ignite? Would continuous
query be the mechanism? Any examples?

7) Streaming: Are there examples on how to define watermarks, i.e., input
completeness with regard to the event timestamp?

thank you

On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 11:29 PM Naveen <> wrote:

> Hello
> Couple of things I would like to with my experience
> 1. Cache Groups : Around 100 caches, I do not think we need to go for Cache
> groups, as you mentioned cache groups will have impact on you read/writes.
> However, changing the partition count to 128 from default 1024 would
> improve
> your cluster restart.
> 2. I doubt if Ignite has any settings we have for this.
> 3. The only I can think of is to keep the data in on-heap if the data size
> is not so huge.
> 4. Read through, with native persistence enabled, doing a read to the disk
> will load the cache. But the read is much slower compared with read from
> RAM, by default it does not pre-load the data. If you want to avoid this
> you
> can pre-load the data programatically and load Memory, good for even SQL
> SELECT as well. But with the 3rd party persistence, we need to pre-load the
> data to make your read work for SQL SELECT.
> Thanks
> Naveen
> --
> Sent from:

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