
Tobias Ivarsson:
The RelationshipType can be used to give data types for both Relationships
and Nodes, in a way that enables a Node to have multiple data types,
depending on aspect.

I'm trying to implement this concept in neoclipse, the main problem being that the domain is unknown. And then there's a limitation on how to visually signal multiple types (could maybe be done by creating icons dynamically ... with multiple color fields in them - i didn't even try such for now).

For each relationship type found, three colors are produced, concerning:
* the relationship (darker color)
* nodes that have it as incoming relationship (more saturation)
* nodes that have it as outgoing relationship (less saturation)

I think the result is a more organic look.

When there are multiple relationships, it will basically take the first one found. For now, incoming relationships comes before outgoing, but that could be made configurable (if there is a real benefit to this). If anybody has a smart idea on how to detect what relationships are more important in the domain, tell me about it!

Will commit the code after some cleanup.


<<inline: rel-colors.png>>

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