(First of all, I am sorry if you all got more then one copy of my previous
mail... problem with my mail-account...)

Thanks for your thought! I agree, but I'm still uncertain of what I think is
best... I just get this feeling, you know? It might be that I deep down use
the metaphor of a value object when I look at a node, and that the expected
behavior of a value object is to get null back if I try to get a property
that isn't set. Or maybe I feel that the default should be that your domain
logic/model should decide if your code should fail miserably, and not the
persistence. Or maybe it's just me! Any other thought on the issue are
welcome :)

I totally agree that the method with the default value is great! No question
about that, and of course I use it return other things than null as well :)

Mattias Ask

2010/1/5 Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>

> Well, I think it's generally a good thing to be able to distinguish
> mandatory stuff from optional stuff... and that's the use case of
> those two methods.
> If you're getting a property which "must" be there in your domain you
> shouldn't have to check for null in all those cases, it feels so
> C-like to me... it should just return my value or else fail miserably
> so that I can see right then and there that there's a bug in my code
> (in this case the code which created my domain object or similar).
> And the one with the default value is great since I find myself
> passing in other things as well, not just null. I just couldn't live
> without any of them really.
> Just my point of view on this...
> 2010/1/5 Mattias Ask <mattias....@jayway.com>:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I have an issue which I would like your opinion on... It's mostly a
> question
> > of code aesthetics, to be honest, but still...
> >
> > When I look in my code I see myNode.getProperty(SOME_PROP, null);
> > everyehere... The reason for this is that I if I called
> > myNode.getProperty(SOME_PROP) I'd have to check for org.neo4j.api.core.
> > NotFoundException everywhere that I read properties that are not
> mandatory.
> > What if myNode.getProperty(SOME_PROP) was to return null instead? The doc
> > says explicitly that you can't persist null. If
> > myNode.getProperty(SOME_PROP) where to return null this would mean,
> without
> > any doubt, that the property does not exist, right? The upside to this
> would
> > be that I wouldn't have to use the DefaultReturnValue null everywhere.
> And
> > the argument that I'd have to null-check everywhere is kind of moot since
> I
> > already return null as DefaultReturnValue.
> >
> > In my case my domain objects extend a NodeDelegate, which takes an
> > underlaying node in the constructor. This means that I can use
> > getProperty(SOME_PROP, null) everytime I call getProperty(SOME_PROP)...
> but
> > the question is if there are any downsides to doing that? What are your
> > thoughts on this?
> >
> > Best,
> > Mattias Ask
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> --
> Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
> Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
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