Alastair James schrieb am 09.04.2010 um 14:04:37 (+0100)
[Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?]:

> So, I suppose this question boils down to, is there an efficient way
> to calculate the union of two traversals without retrieving all result
> sets and performing the union in user code?

No need for two traversals if you annotate your category tree in Neo4j
the same way Celko has popularized for SQL, i.e. marking each category
with *left* and *right*. It's really not a question of graph or sets,
as in both cases what you deal with is a tree.

Note that this needs some custom logic for category tree updates. But
it's not difficult in SQL, and I think it's not much more difficult in
Neo4j either.

Michael Ludwig
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