Hi there,
as both Rick and Michael say - there is different use cases, different
ways of organizing your data and different ways to query it.

Marko and me tried to summarize what is working especially good with
Graph Databases and what not:
the paper is even at
http://www.scribd.com/doc/29591188/The-Graph-Traversal-Pattern for
easy reading.

To cite the conclusion:
4 Conclusion
Graphs are a flexible modeling construct that can be used to model a domain
and the indices that partition that domain into an efficient, searchable space.
When the relations between the objects of the domain are seen as vertex
partitions, then a graph is simply an index that relates vertices to vertices by
edges. The way in which these vertices relate to each other determines which
graph traversals are most efficient to execute and which problems can be solved
by the graph data structure. Graph databases and the graph traversal pattern
do not require a global analysis of data. For many problems, only local subsets
of the graph need to be traversed to yield a solution. By structuring the graph
in such a way as to minimize traversal steps, limit the use of external indices,
and reduce the number of set-based operations, modelers gain great efficiency
that is difficult to accomplish with other data management solutions.

So, graphs are no silver bullets but can gain great efficiency when
applied to the right problems in the right manner.


/peter neubauer

COO and Sales, Neo Technology

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On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Michael Ludwig <mil...@gmx.de> wrote:
> rick.bullotta schrieb am 08.04.2010 um 15:16:11 (-0700)
> [Re: [Neo] How to efficiently query in Neo4J?]:
>> Factor in a wide range of SLAs needed for performance vs availability
>> vs affordability vs scalability vs adminstration costs, and the
>> equation gets a whole lot more complicated.
> Granted.
>> I'm sure there's a graphy-model for the tag/post example that could be
>> made smoking fast with Neo also.
> Sure, but there's also a way of looking at screws that might suggest you
> should use a hammer ;-) and it would be wrong. Which doesn't mean it
> couldn't be modeled for the tag/post example - just a general caveat to
> think about both tools and problems when trying to find a good solution.
>> Throw columnar storage, key-value, and document DB's into the mix, and
>> the good news is that we have a lot of weapons in our arsenal now to
>> tackle very demanding and diverse application challenges!
> Yes, it's becoming very interesting. Lots of new high-level tools for
> specialized or relaxed requirements.
> SQL won't be dethroned, though.
> --
> Michael Ludwig
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