Hi all,

My name is Ryan Thomas and I am a development team lead at Atlassian in
Sydney, Australia. We have been playing with Mesos / Marathon / Aurora /
Docker since about November last year and I'm really keen to talk to people
about the development and deployment process around micro services.

I'm occasionally in the irc channels as rrrr and on twitter as

Cheers, and looking forward to chatting with everyone!


On 15 August 2014 09:14, Ray Rodriguez <rayrod2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My name is Ray Rodriguez and I am a data infrastructure engineer in the
> data science team at Sailthru in New York City.  I first started
> experimenting with Mesos/Marathon/Chronos about 8 months ago and am
> currently building out a Spark cluster running on Mesos.  I'm also into all
> things automation/CM/Infrastructure as Code etc.. including chef,
> consul/etcd, zookeeper, docker, coreos.  I'm the author of a couple of
> Mesos cookbooks and recently contributed a collectd plugin for parsing
> Mesos stats (https://github.com/rayrod2030/collectd-mesos).
> Looking forward to talking to everyone about their experiences running
> Spark on Mesos in production and the rest of the Mesos ecosystem.
> Twitter: @rayray2030
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Dave Lester <daveles...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I thought it would be nice to kickoff a thread for folks to introduce
>> themselves in advance of #MesosCon
>> <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon>, so here goes:
>> My name is Dave Lester, and I am Open Source Advocate at Twitter. Twitter
>> is an organizing sponsor for #MesosCon, and I've worked closely with Chris
>> Aniszczyk, the Linux Foundation, and a great team of volunteers to
>> hopefully make this an awesome community event.
>> I'm interested in meeting more companies using Mesos that we can add to
>> our #PoweredByMesos list
>> <http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/powered-by-mesos/>, and
>> chatting with folks about Apache Aurora
>> <http://aurora.incubator.apache.org>. Right now my Thursday and Friday
>> evenings are free, so let's grab a beer and chat more.
>> I'm also on Twitter: @davelester
>> Next!

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