I'm Brian Wickman (@wickman <http://twitter.com/wickman>) from the cloud
infrastructure group at Twitter and an Aurora committer.  I'll be around
both days, probably spending Friday hacking on pesos
<https://github.com/wickman/pesos> and related projects.  I'd also be happy
to give ad-hoc Aurora tutorials during the Hackathon, e.g. advanced Aurora
configuration and/or hacking the Aurora executor come to mind.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Dave Lester <daveles...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I thought it would be nice to kickoff a thread for folks to introduce
> themselves in advance of #MesosCon
> <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon>, so here goes:
> My name is Dave Lester, and I am Open Source Advocate at Twitter. Twitter
> is an organizing sponsor for #MesosCon, and I've worked closely with Chris
> Aniszczyk, the Linux Foundation, and a great team of volunteers to
> hopefully make this an awesome community event.
> I'm interested in meeting more companies using Mesos that we can add to
> our #PoweredByMesos list
> <http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/powered-by-mesos/>, and
> chatting with folks about Apache Aurora
> <http://aurora.incubator.apache.org>. Right now my Thursday and Friday
> evenings are free, so let's grab a beer and chat more.
> I'm also on Twitter: @davelester
> Next!

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