Product is what you sell
Inventory is what you buy to sell.
the Product ID may have no resemblance to the Inventory ID. You may
receive the inventory from may sources and each one my call it something
a little different.

so to take your example.
are the features
now look at the inventory
you will see a feature code for each feature.   
this become the actual product code for each item. and is how there are
tracked in inventory.
when you drill down to the item
and now the confusing part
lets you created a seperate inventory Item ID for that product with that
as you can see you can have many Inventory ID Or Inventory Items for a
Under that Iventory ID that is linked back to the product you can
recieve and issue Items

Andrew sent the following on 12/13/2007 8:52 PM:
> I'm apparently missing something about the way inventory works, but hey I'm 
> still learning.
> I have set up a product (Gearbox) with a few selectable features. (Make,  
> model, quality, year)
> Or rather created some Feature Groups which are then attached to my Category 
> of "used parts".
> and Gearbox is product of that category.
> Now if I go my facility and receive inventory of 1 Gearbox there is no way to 
> select what the values features are .
> eg make= honda, model=civic, quality=damaged, year=1990.
> I would have thought an inventory item (Which I now have) would have to have 
> those features set. 
> On I suspect a similar note I never have anything in Physical Inventory and 
> in general have no idea what that tab is for.
> I expect there is just some user documentation on Facilities I haven't found 
> that would explain all this.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Andrew
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