Hi Andrew,
    Have you created a single product for the Gearbox, i.e. only one entry
in the Product entity for the product Gearbox, and trying to apply all the
selectable features to this particular product?  If yes, than your data is
still not complete. :)
    Here is something that I know about creating a Product with more than
one selectable features.
1) The first thing to note down is, a product with selectable features means
a product with variations, that means this product can have different
variations depending upon its selectable features.  Each set of selectable
features defines one variation of that product.  So we can say, suppose for
buying purpose, that a customer won't buy the product itself, but its
2) Above explaination leads to the point that for a product with selectable
features, you need to create:
    a) A Virtual Parent Product (for which no physical inventory exists and
hence can't be purchased)
    b) One Varient Product for each set of selectable features, so this
gives a whole bunch of products to you. (Physical Inventory will exist and
will be the actual purchasable products).
3) Create ProductAssoc(s) for Virtual Parent Product and its Varient
4) You need to define a ProductFeatureCategory for your Product.
5) Prepare seed data for ProductFeatureType for make, model, quality etc. if
not present in OFBiz seed data.
6) Create ProductFeature records for the selectable features of each type.
7) Associate ProductFeature(s) to the Virtual Parent Product as
"SELECTABLE_FEATURES" in ProductFeatureAppl.
8) Associate each Varient Product to the set of ProductFeature it
corresponds to as "STANDARD_FEATURES" in ProductFeatureAppl.

    I think that is all we need to do to create a product with selectable
    For an example of creating such products in OFBiz, you can refer to
    And finally I think this should answer your question about inventory.
The Inventory you receive will be for the varient products, which are the
actual physical products, each varient reqresenting a set of selectable
features and not for the Virtual Parent Product.
    Actually you are not supposed to select features while receiving
Inventory, instead you will receive the required varient for the set of
required selectable features.

On Dec 14, 2007 10:22 AM, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm apparently missing something about the way inventory works, but hey
> I'm still learning.
> I have set up a product (Gearbox) with a few selectable features. (Make,
>  model, quality, year)
> Or rather created some Feature Groups which are then attached to my
> Category of "used parts".
> and Gearbox is product of that category.
> Now if I go my facility and receive inventory of 1 Gearbox there is no way
> to select what the values features are .
> eg make= honda, model=civic, quality=damaged, year=1990.
> I would have thought an inventory item (Which I now have) would have to
> have those features set.
> On I suspect a similar note I never have anything in Physical Inventory
> and in general have no idea what that tab is for.
> I expect there is just some user documentation on Facilities I haven't
> found that would explain all this.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Andrew
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Mridul Pathak
Hotwax Media
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