Hi Andrew

An Inventory Item is just a physical representation of a Product, it doesn't
have it's own features.  You would need to create a Product for each gearbox
type rather than one to cover them all.


On 14/12/2007, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm apparently missing something about the way inventory works, but hey
> I'm still learning.
> I have set up a product (Gearbox) with a few selectable features.
> (Make,  model, quality, year)
> Or rather created some Feature Groups which are then attached to my
> Category of "used parts".
> and Gearbox is product of that category.
> Now if I go my facility and receive inventory of 1 Gearbox there is no way
> to select what the values features are .
> eg make= honda, model=civic, quality=damaged, year=1990.
> I would have thought an inventory item (Which I now have) would have to
> have those features set.
> On I suspect a similar note I never have anything in Physical Inventory
> and in general have no idea what that tab is for.
> I expect there is just some user documentation on Facilities I haven't
> found that would explain all this.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Andrew
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