
I did not find enough time for that. This idea cames to me after a short test 
of SugarCRM last version.
I think we could show results by default in SFA at least. There should not be too much results, and with the new length parameter Bruno is working on, this should improve user experience.
This because it seems that some decision-makers began to look at OFBiz from the 
CRM/SFA perspective.
We should take care of their expericen, most of the time they decide of our 


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
From: "Scott Gray" <>
Could you provide an example search form where this might be useful? Perhaps talking about specific forms might be more helpful.

I will try tomorrow to explain why, I must admit I have not yet considered the 


I have no problem with OFBiz being set one way or the other but making  it 
configurable seems like a lot for little return.


On 13/10/2009, at 10:37 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Not only people evaluating OFBiz, but also people dealing with small numbers. Maybe this should not be applied to all searches, though.
Remember, OFBiz was set this way not so long ago.


From: "Scott Gray" <>
-1, that sounds like a lot of work and additional complexity and for what? So that people evaluating OFBiz don't have to click on a search button in order to do a search? I'm sorry but it really makes no sense to me.


HotWax Media

On 13/10/2009, at 9:51 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Also in the case of searching by default, the search fields should be visible (it's no obvious as it's only a string in the screenlet title)

From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>

OOTB, we decided to not do searches by default when a page   containing one is 
opened (I was for this decision)
I wonder if we should not parametrize this in the DB and let it   available in the 
"My Portal" Préférences ?
Then we could set it to yes by default and avoid people evaluating OFBiz to clic on search button each time they open a such page.
We could also have an URL going to the preferences in each  search  to allow a 
quick change if needed
This is not related to lookup dialog boxes but only searches in   plain pages.

What do you think ?


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